Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lina Sinha Picture

Who do you think is the sexier: Lina Sinha or BethGeisel? Which one would you rather see in a movie with Tammy NYP? Or maybe they should co-star in a three-some? If Tammy's firned Ebony joined them, they could pair off: my choice would be Ebony on Beth and Tammy on Lina. What so you think? Here's your Link-Dink to the Lina Sinha Photo:

Comments on "Lina Sinha Picture"


Blogger shakeel osmani said ... (12:20 AM) : 

no man beth geisel is superior hottie a gr8 fuck i would luv 2 tear her lips apart


Blogger shakeel osmani said ... (12:21 AM) : 

no man beth geisel is superior hottie a gr8 fuck i would luv 2 tear her lips apart


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