Sheblogs Triumphantly Returns
Back from the States! Back to the Beat! On my way to being an internet SUPERSTAR, how about YOU? How to be an internet 'Superstar' Internet Superstar Pilar Tiang (recently in trubble for posting an XXX video on the web) has it in for Kaayva Vwhateverhernameis Osiris is an MP3 visualizer that uses song lyrics to automatically generate music videos using images pulled from Flickr and pictures on the user’s hard drive. RapHappy - NYU: An online hip hop destination where users can record, collaborate on, search and listen to freestyle or written raps. The site will encourage user interaction and collaboration, enabling users to form groups, start battles or rate/comment on the sites’ submissions. Kiwee- No, not the hairy green fruit, it's American Greetings' new teen site! |